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Derrick Martin

Derrick Martin

How long have you been a professional arborist?

I started tree work when I was 21, this is my 17th year in tree work.

I'm currently self employed as a contract tree climber in central Pennsylvania. Previously I worked for Goods Tree and Lawn Care out of Harrisburg PA for 9 years. As a general foreman, also in charge of safety and training.

How did you get started climbing trees?

I did landscaping out of high school and helped with the maintenance of a mall. My first exposure to tree work was when we subbed in a local tree company to help us remove some trees around the mall. I got to help run the ropes and feed the chipper. It blew me away that people got paid to climb trees! After going to college for a year with no future direction I called that tree company and asked if they needed help. And I never looked back!

Do you compete in climbing comps?

Yes, I started tree climbing competitions while I was working in New Jersey. Got exposed to some of the best in the business, including Mark Chisholm. Which definitely gave me something to strive for and pushed me to get better.

My first comp I finished middle of the pack if I remember right. I skipped a station in the work climb to be able to finish in time and I missed a swing at least 4 or 5 times... Definitely was humbled a little.

What do you love about tree climbing?

I've always loved climbing trees. As a kid I would climb a tree in our yard to hang out and read undisturbed. I love being outside for work that my environment and work changes every day. It's constantly changing so I'm constantly being challenged and stimulated.

Why did you join the Notch Team?

Because when I look at my climbing kit most of what I use is Notch products. I love that they provide innovative equipment and I hope to be a part of helping continue to bring innovative and progressive equipment to the industry. I also like that they offer quality products at an affordable price which has always been appealing to me. I've always tried to get the best bang for my buck and maybe that's why I already use so many Notch products.

What is your favorite Notch product and why?

Well, the Rope Runner Pro has to be my favorite since it's my go-to work positioning system. I use it every single day on removals and prunes. It never leaves my harness.

I also love my Notch Pro Access Bag which carries all my climbing kit as well as my basics for rigging in one nicely organized bag that folds open so I can easily access whatever tool I need at the time.